
The Wild and Wonderful resources have been developed and piloted over several years. The Education pack was originally created for A Rocha Netherlands and tested by (trainee) teachers. The Explore Creation resources have been used since 2018 at different schools and churches in Gloucestershire, notably St Lawrence CofE church and Barnwood CofE primary school. 

A Rocha is a Christian organisation that engages communities in nature conservation. A Rocha is active in over 20 countries, including the Netherlands, the UK and the US.

Please feel free to contact Petra Crofton if you have any questions. We would also love to hear how you have used the resources.



This project was developed to support schools and churches on their science, faith and creation care ‘journeys’. Petra is responsible for all content relating to this project, on the Wild and Wonderful website and within the education and church resources. She has intellectual ownership of the website and resources. 

You are welcome to use these resources including all images within your own setting and to raise funds for A Rocha or the World Land Trust (but not to make commercial profit). Petra is not responsible for how you use the materials and run the activities; please conduct your own risk assessments. Feel free to contact Petra if you have any questions.